The Bongiovi Dynamic Stereo Speaker Enhancement algorithm extends the perceived width of the stereo field while maintaining important center channel information. This is most effective with L/R speakers that are close together. It works by increasing the SIDES (L-R) relative to the MID (L+R) channel which changes the phase relationships between Left, Right and Mono information in the signal as shown in the image below. When MID and SIDES gains are equal, the stereo effect is normal.
The mid/sides effect is done only to frequencies above the CROSSOVER point. All content below the crossover point is bypassed. When important MID content occurs (vocals, snare drum, gunshot etc.) the SIDES gain is decreased via a sidechain AGC (Dynamic “Sides” Level Controls). Stereo Field Control Meter The effect is displayed in real-time on the STEREO FIELD CONTROL meter. The distance between the circles indicates the relative difference between MID and SIDES including any modulation created by the AGC. When the circles are touching the stereo field is normal L/R. When the SIDES level is increased, the circles move apart and the stereo field is enhanced. If MID level is increased the circles will begin to move together as L and R channels are summed together. This indicator is disabled by clicking the switch to the right. “Efficient” Stereo Enhancement Some platforms offer an “Efficient” Stereo Enhancement mode. The algorithm is the same except the Dynamic “Sides” Level Controls are disabled. The stereo enhancement effect is achieved by statically increasing “sides” gain relative to “mid”. When the stereo meter is enabled, you will see the relative difference between MID and SIDES displayed by the circles. However, they will not move as they would when the AGC is enabled. Best practices The image above demonstrates common settings for most speakers and sound bars.
THRESH (threshold)
Only one effect may be enabled:
Dynamic Stereo Speaker Enhancement